Saturday, January 2, 2016

Moving, Moving, Moving!

Well, Baby M's new nickname is "Rooter-Scooter!" In the last week, she has learned to crawl, pull-up, and get herself up on the brick hearth (a few inches off the ground). Folks, this game has stepped up a notch...

It is GLARINGLY obvious how much this little girl is like our youngest son - on the move, and hard to stop. She has an opinion  when she doesn't get her way (as evidenced by a very high-pitched, shrill scream), and flashes her smile or flirtatiously raises her eyebrows to bring you over to the Dark Side. And it works. Against all my strength, her whims work most of the time. This little girl has me pegged. On top of that, she's lost interest in her baby toys. Rooter-Scooter would much rather play with her brothers' cars, trains, and anything else with small pieces that can break off. Sigh. She sure is turning out to be a handful, but we still love her to death! ;)

As for M's case, we are waiting on the fourth relative's home study to be completed. This particular relative looks very promising, so time will tell if a move is on the horizon. But we honestly don't think there is. The evidences of God's order is so apparent through this whole situation, and even people outside of our family have noticed. We confidently claim her as a permanent part of our family even though the legalities are in process. Also, a positive aspect about all of this is M's hearing could be moved up a month upon the completion of the new home studies. If that happens, it could be sooner rather than later that we get to adopt her.

Please pray for God's will to be done through this new home study process and for our peace. The New Year holds several unknowns for our family, but we are waiting with hopeful expectation for God to prove, once again, that he is not bound by seemingly impossible circumstances.

In other news, it's ridiculous how cute they make baby girl dresses. Please, just stop. I have a Dragon Lady persona to keep up, and the dresses aren't helping.

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