I heard you are not doing well. At all. Your world has crumbled, and the best thing you had in your life - your precious baby girl - is now living with strangers. Oh, how my heart breaks for you! I desperately want you to know that, as a mother, I cry and mourn over the loss of your relationship with your daughter.
But I also want you to know M is SO LOVED. With the arrival of each of my children a secret place has been opened in my heart specifically for them. And the same is especially true of M because she and I have a unique bond unlike any other bond I've ever known. I don't say this to make you sad or angry, but to assure you that the Lord placed her in my heart before she ever entered our home. She was there from the beginning, and I honor and thank you for choosing to give her life.
And you are also loved, dear mother. You've experienced years of loss, frustration, and agony. Decisions can't be remade, but you can choose to let the Lord's purposes be fulfilled where you are now. Choose to be broken before a Holy God who loves you more immensely than anyone else could ever love you. Don't fight brokenness - I too was once broken. Before I knew the Lord I was lost and foolishly running straight into Hell. Then one day he called my name, rescued me from my sin and beckoned me to start living only through the power of his son's innocent blood. And I would never go back! Look forward, precious soul, and let God be God. I pray for peace and comfort to pour out from the depths of your heart and flood your life. I plead with the Lord to reach you...no matter what. No matter what, sweet mother.
Beautiful M laughs from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head! Her smile is unsparingly given to everyone and her eyes sparkle the most radiant crystal blue. She is a blessing to everyone who meets her. She is a picture of God's mercy, of his gorgeous design. M is made in his image. She's made in your image.
Regardless of the circumstances, precious mother, please trust that M will be perfectly protected by the Lord, even as he protects you. I don't think I'm better than you. Rather, I see the importance of caring for her in the most honorable way because she is a reflection of you. The only way I can help you is to love her. And I love her with the deepest love imaginable.
I pray you will release any hatred you have toward the Lord...and toward me. I am hopeful for your reconciliation to God because without it there will be no future reconciliation to your daughter. I say that with gentleness, but I also say it with resolve.
You can do this. We can do this. For the sake of your daughter - our daughter - we can trust God's plan.
Foster Mom
So beautifully and lovingly said.