Sunday, March 12, 2017

Our Girl

We met E for the first time last weekend, and it couldn't have gone better! She had some rough days before meeting us, so we were curious if she would respond well after everything that had unfolded. But, she handled it extremely well in my opinion.

E is spunky and quick-witted. She is also intelligent and deeply aware of her surroundings - she has good discernment when it comes to figuring people out (which we hope will work in our favor). E is organized, and she likes to know the detailed schedule of events. Her sense of humor closely matches ours, and she doesn't seem to mind trying new things. And, even though the boys didn't go on the visit with us, E seems excited and eager to be a big sister. She certainly doesn't mind sharing her opinions, and she even tested some natural boundaries during our time with her last weekend. And, as we drove her home on the last day, she questioned why she couldn't leave for Texas right away! It felt weird for us to leave her, but we know we have to follow the process and that she will be here very soon. We hope to bring her home within the next couple of weeks!

We were surprised this week with a few more requests from E's home state to complete our adoption packet. Thankfully, we were able to scramble and get things together, but it took a toll on my emotions. I'm done with procedures, paperwork, and jumping through hoops. God has lead us to our girl, so my patience is seriously lacking when it comes to "one more thing" that we need. E is waiting...and I don't want her to wait a second longer than necessary to come home. Would you pray that the Lord will keep me centered on His plan so I can stop worrying about things outside of my control?

Another need is for us to find the right professional team who will work well together for E's healing. We are struggling in this area since she has a very unique background, but we won't give up until we find the right people. We know that the first few months will be extremely important in setting a trustworthy foundation for E, so we need wisdom on this matter.

This week we will start setting up E's room! I have to admit that I've been giddy with excitement over preparing for a daughter. :) From nail polish, to hair accessories, to trendy colors and patterns, I'm already experiencing a different side of motherhood. But it's good. It's slightly uncomfortable, but it's good.

On another note, Carey and I will be celebrating our 7th anniversary this week! When I think of all the callings the Lord has already seen us through, I look forward with great anticipation for many more years of marriage to the best man in the world. He's my partner in crime and my earthly rock. He's gentle, loving, kind, sacrificial, and faithful. When the Lord calls us to do something, Carey doesn't cower, but stands up with confidence to say, "Yes." He's highly intelligent, but highly humble. He's caring and goofy. He never meets a stranger and he's wise beyond his years. I can't help but acknowledge that without his leadership throughout our marriage that many of our dreams would have never happened. Thank you, Lord, for this godly man! May we have 100 more years to serve God together.

And there's more to come! Thank you for joining us on our adoption journey.

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