Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Special Prayer Project

A few months ago I came across a custom puzzle idea on the internet that was just too cool, and we've decided to do a similar project for our adoption efforts!

We reached out to a wonderful lady named Chantel Dietz who is pretty darn good at designing things (in fact, I can't wait for her talent to REALLY catch wind). We gave her an idea for a puzzle design, and she worked her magic to create this unique design for our family:

Isn't it beautiful?! And you probably already guessed it, but we ordered this design as a custom puzzle for our home.

But we're not stopping there...

We ordered a second puzzle for YOU GUYS! That's right - we need committed, prayerful people to come alongside our family and "adopt" some puzzle pieces. And once you adopt a puzzle piece you are committing to pray for E's adoption at least one time a day for every piece you adopt. Then we will give you your adopted piece(s) with E's name written on the back. On the same piece(s) for our family puzzle, we will write YOUR name on the back. And when it's all said and done, your piece(s) will serve as reminders to pray for our sweet girl while our family puzzle will be completed and placed into a dual-sided picture frame. Then we will hang our picture frame somewhere in our house where both sides are seen: the design side to remind us of our heart for adoption and the back side (with your names on it) to remind us of everyone who is praying for E. This project is a wonderful representation of the commitment and sacrifice required of adoption, but it will also display the love of a Savior through the hearts of His servants.

We have seen prayer do the "impossible" in our lives, so we know God will answer. And I personally can't wait to see Him go immeasurably beyond what I could ever imagine for our family! So, are you willing to be a part of a eternal, difference-making adventure? If so, call/text/email and we'll be sure to save a special puzzle piece just for you! :)

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