And, I'm surprisingly not freaking out.
You see, there's a peace that comes with knowing you're smack dab in the middle of God's will. It's a peace that scoffs at "the impossible." It's a peace that enables us to graciously smile and share about our girl even when the listener's eyes are bugged out in fear. It's a peace that carries us through opposition, criticism, and anxiety. It's a peace that has grown our faith exponentially. And, it's a peace that assures my heart that I will in fact find a used desk at a reasonable price so our daughter can actually have furniture in her room. The peace handles the big things and the little things.
We have been overwhelmed by the blessings of friends, relatives, and church members in the last few weeks. From the wonderful response to our prayer project, to the announcement of our adoption reception on March 11 (message me if you would like the details), to God's abundant financial provision - all of it has encouraged our hearts and helped us move forward. We just can't believe what God is doing and we are thrilled to experience the miracle he is working out for E.
A few things to expect:
- We will be a bit reclusive over the next several months. The training we have received advises not adding any new commitments and even stepping back (momentarily) from "extras" so we can devote more time to bonding as a family. We are looking at a minimum of a full year to follow this wisdom!
- E is not to receive gifts without our knowledge. The only exception would be something from the Amazon wish-list we have put together for her (speak to me if you'd like to view it), but even those items need to be in place before she enters our home. She needs to be introduced to a realistic view of our family from the start in order to help her connect with us instead of material possessions.
- Carey and I need to supply E's needs whenever possible. This includes emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. We ask that no one try to hug her for the first month and be patient as we ease her into things. If she needs correction, we are the people to correct her. And if it seems like we are doing things in a weird way, please understand that we are being very intentional with our methods based on our training and research.
- E is not to get a "pass" at respect and accountability. The way we discipline her will look differently than what most people are used too, but she will be disciplined nonetheless. There will be a delicate balance between us respecting her past yet holding her accountable for her decisions.
- Once E is placed into our home, we would like everyone to simply refer to her as our daughter (not "adoptive" daughter) and call her by our last name (even though it won't be her legal name until the adoption is final). This will help establish her place in our family.
- Because of Texas law, we will wait 4-6 months before E's adoption can be finalized. So, the adoption will not occur immediately.
Thank you for your continued prayers!