When I was younger, my mother always drove a minivan. I mean always. And I didn't mind as long as it didn't stall out in the middle of our town's 4-way stop (yes, that happened). The thing is, my parents are very frugal, and while that is an excellent character trait, it took a toll on my selfish teenager psyche. And somehow my negative attitude about minivans carried over into adulthood.
"I'll never drive a minivan," I said. We scouted out prices for 7-passenger vehicles for months. I told Carey I didn't even want to test drive a minivan, secretly being afraid that I'd somehow be sucked into the minivan vortex. Everything else was so expensive, though. I prayed, "Lord, just please take care of this. Show us your provision and make it impossible to miss." Well, as always, He showed up.
Friends of my brother-in-law were selling their van. I didn't really want to know the vehicle's information, but thought I'd ask so we could at least rule it out. And then the details were given. My jaw fell open when I saw the price (after all our research, I knew it was several thousand dollars cheaper than other vans from the same make, model and mileage). "Here's your MINIVAN," God said.
And, to add insult to injury to my pride, the minivan is the same make, model, and year as my mother's current vehicle. (Think God doesn't have a sense of humor?) After realizing this was our vehicle, undeniably provided by God, I accepted the hard truth: I was going to be a minivan mom. But now I know it's a compliment! When I think of all the people I know who drive minivans, I am honored to join their company.
I'm ashamed to admit that I thought I was "too good" to drive a minivan. I mean, where does that kind of stupidity come from - that one is "above" driving a certain vehicle?! Mine came from pride, that glorious character trait that does so much good for us (yeah, right). Once again, I've seen that my plans are nowhere near God's plans, and too often I am prone to missing God's blessings because I won't stop acting like an idiot. I'm thankful He's put me in my place yet again.
So, don't you worry about us. We will be driving that minivan in style with ample room for our groceries, gear, AND kids! And if you feel the urge to "snub" us for becoming a minivan family, then just be careful: Minivans have a way of wooing your affections.
Soon I'll be sporting a "I used to be cool" bumper sticker. But I think we can all agree I probably lost that a long time ago anyway...